
Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Siblings

I have two other siblings in my family, I have a brother and sister. My siblings can be nice and mean at some points. My brothers name is Andrew. He is 17 years old, a junior, in high school. His birthday is January 1st Andrew can be mean sometimes, but when I do something he tells me I am annoying and when I am not “annoying” him he’s nice to me. My sister’s name is Summer, like the summertime. I like her name, because it’s unique. Summer is 15 years old, a sophomore in high school. Her birthday is June 25th so, she’ll be 16 soon. We fight sometimes, but I love my siblings and they love me. I just wish sometimes they would show their love. I am glad I have two other siblings to get me through life.

The Great Beaches!

Author’s Note: In this writing circle poem you can see why the beach is fun! Some things to do also. Please look and see if you can tell which words rhyme.

The great beaches,
No leches just fun!
It’s a time where you can play in the sun,
Relax or swim,
Tan or talk to Jim,
Picnic with a friend or two,
And look at the blue sky,
Have a great day at the beach,
Enjoy some peace!

Ciara and the Phone

Ciara is a high school girl in 9th grade who has been begging her parents to get her a cell phone for the past month. Her parents don’t think she’s ready yet, but she thinks she will prove her parents wrong. One night Ciara was doing her homework and her stomach was growling. “Wow, I am so hungry I could eat a horse!” She went down stairs and her parents had some good news and her favorite dinner all lined out for her to eat. As they sat down eating steak,mashed potatoes, and corn her parents told her to look for a cell phone online and she could get one for her birthday. Ciara swallows down her dinner and runs up stairs. While heading to the cell phone store site her mom gave her a limit for her first phone. Ciara was looking for some phones in that price range. No,no,no,no, then the perfect phone caught her eye. It was the Iphone 4gs and was perfectly in her price range. She quickly yanked her laptop out of the charger and ran down stairs to show her mom. Ciara’s mom said, “We will go in tomorrow for it”! She was so happy she ran back up stairs and called her friend on her plug in phone.As there screaming Ciara quickly finishes her homework and then hangs up the phone. The next morning which was a Saturday she quickly gets up and gets ready. She finally is at the store and runs to the phone she wants. The worker comes up to her and says, “Are you interested?” She says yes back in her excited voice. After about 30 minutes Ciara’s phone was activated. Her first phone call was her friend to tell all about it. Cell phones can make people happy, mad and sad. New phones can make people happy, and bad phones can make people mad, sometimes things received on cell phones can make a person sad. Be careful with what you say over a cell phone.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Unicorn are Real!

Authors Note: In this writing circle piece you will see what I think about unicorns. Please look for any connections, if you believe in unicorns.

A lot of people think that unicorns aren’t real, but I think they are. I think that they are just hiding their magical lives. I have heard that rhinos are just bigger unicorns and if we gave rhinos a good diet then unicorns would show the world their majestic ways. Unicorns are horse like animals, but pink or blue bodies. Their hair is the color of the rainbow and their horns are glittery with light magical colors. There’s not much to say about these majestic creature since the world says there’s no time to discover non sense, but I am telling you, unicorns are real!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tuesday of the Other June Symbolism of the Other June

Stephanies's Semantic Slide Show Show